Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Concentration camp at Kleine Zalze, Stellenbosch

Moved in to one of the fancy wine farms with my supervisor for the week to concentrate on finishing my PhD. My goal is to submit 3 papers by Sunday. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

caislas said...

Wish you luck?!?!?!
Unquestionably, you born with a star!
and you know it! ;)

How many students would like to be captured at this concentration camp in Kleine Zalze (http://www.kleinezalze.com/) with personalize supervision of her/his professor?
Actually, he is putting himself in troubles for inequality treatment, and you are jumping to the fame: what is your secret to live such tortures?

Anyway, how is the writing going?
Btw, did you get my thank you card? I wonder how long will it take to reach SA?

And the reason of these lines is actually share you a post I wrote in your honor! That is true! If we have to refer to someone as an expert to combine work and pleasure, unquestionably you are a professional on this art! And this post of your torture is an example of this statement.

So here my post for you: http://www.cs.joensuu.fi/~cislas/blog/?p=2104